ΣμαρτϹ - Epicycle Signature

Digital art on signum blockchain. Interact and discover your own signature.

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Getting your own epicycle

Send 100 Signa to the Smart Contract S-EPCY-DUVU-EGX4-4GY28 and wait two blocks (8 minutes). Refresh the page to get it!

Give as a gift

Send 100 Signa to the Smart Contract S-EPCY-DUVU-EGX4-4GY28 and attach as a message the address of someone you want to gift. Message example: S-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDDD. Wait two blocks (8 minutes) and refresh the page to see it!

Change the signature color


Previous signatures

Fetching data

Explaining the magic

The signature generation starts at the Epicycle Smart Contract. The user address is transalated back in its 64-bit id. This number is shuffled and mixed to give origin to a set of seven points in the plane. These points are sent as message back to the sender as machine code.

The javacript code in this page queries a Signum node to get all replies from the smart contract that contains these coordinate points. The page calculates a set of seven circles, each one with a defined radius and angular velocity. These rotating circles, when stacked, will draw a line that must pass over the calculated points in the defined order. This is the epicycle!

The epicycle was proposed at the end of the 3rd century BC to explain the variations in speed and direction of the apparent motion of the celestial bodies. It remained as a good explanation until the elliptical heliocentric model was proposed in the 17th century. Read more at wikipedia!

Keep your animation

Your signature is yours and must not depend on any server to work. Download this page, extract and open index.html to see your signature animation again!

A Signum node will be needed, because the data is stored in the blockchain. If there is no internet connection but a localhost node is running, just choose it. The page will detect if default node is offline and prompt for another option.

You can right click on the signature and "Save as" a picture to share to your friends, but it is not so beautiful as to interact with the animation and see the circles rotating on top each other.